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At daybreak of the fifteenth day of my search

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When the amphitheater had cleared I crept stealthily to the top and as the great excavation lay far from the plaza. ...

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The great excavation lay far from the plaza

Far from the plaza and in an untenanted portion of the great dead city I had little...

He runs towards the Maybury Hill: Embeds

At first I regarded little but the road before me, and then abruptly my attention was arrested...

Testing images in the post

And as the day advanced and the engine drivers and stokers refused to return to...

Idly digging his toes in the sand

It did so indeed, and much sooner than she had expected. Granser babbled on unnoticed. ...

A Reporter at Large

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Two long weeks I wandered

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Through two long weeks I wandered, stumbling through the nights guided only by the stars and hiding during the days behind some...

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I shouted above the sudden noise.

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I shouted above the sudden noise. She looked away from me downhill. The people were coming out of their houses, astonished. ...

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It is very curious to watch this

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By the light of the now brilliant moons I saw that he was but a shadow of his former self, and as he turned from my caress and...

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Idly digging his toes in the sand

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It did so indeed, and much sooner than she had expected. Granser babbled on unnoticed. ...

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For a minute or two she stood looking at the house,

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The three boys were now hard at it; and quite a knocking and hammering arose, in which Granser babbled on unnoticed. ...

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