what we do?

We help protect the world’s tropical forests.

The concept is based on the premise that differences in species composition between areas are correlated with differences in environmental conditions.
Responsible interaction with the environment to avoid depletion or degradation of natural resources and allow for long-term environmental quality.
ethics & value
Our project concerns human beings’ ethical relationship with the natural environment. A serious problem exists with respect to the status and meaning of ‘environmental values’.
Glacier Melt
The concept is based on the premise that differences in species composition between areas are correlated with differences in environmental conditions.
Species Protection
The concept is based on the premise that differences in species composition between areas are correlated with differences in environmental conditions.
Water Cycle
The concept is based on the premise that differences in species composition between areas are correlated with differences in environmental conditions.
Disaster Management
The concept is based on the premise that differences in species composition between areas are correlated with differences in environmental conditions.

Our Mission

We push the change in technologies and policies needed to get to a zero-emissions, high-energy planet at an affordable cost. Imagine a world where the energy needs of all humans are met efficiently without damaging the atmosphere.
of the known cancer fighting plants exist only in the rainforest
0 %
regulations affect the manufacturing industry
of the world’s plants and animals are found in the rainforest
0 %
of the world’s oxygen comes from the Amazon rainforest
0 %
deaths a year caused by air pollution
0 M

Protect and enhance environment for future generations.

Sustainable Air & Climate

We deserve clean air to breathe and a sustain-able future that is responsive to challenges by climate change.

Efficient Technology

Reducing energy use reduces energy costs and result in a financial cost saving to consumers.

Better Water Environment

Water is at the heart of adaptation to climate change, it is the link between the climate, human society.

Water quality standards

The surface water quality standards help protect, control and regulate the quality of fresh and marine waters.

Save Energy

Energy conservation are efforts made to reduce the consumption of energy by using less of an energy service.

Efficient Technology

Reducing energy use reduces energy costs and result in a financial cost saving to consumers.

A word from Ross

Nuclear fusion is what powers the stars and creates many of the elements that make up our universe.

A fusion reaction occurs when two elements overcome fundamental forces of nature to join together under high temperatures and pressures.

We push the change in technologies and policies needed to get to a zero-emissions, high-energy planet at an affordable cost. Imagine a world where the energy needs of all humans are met efficiently without damaging the atmosphere.

Ross Marlow

NaturePress CEO

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